Author: Lila L. Pinord
Title: In Time
Publisher: Xlibris
ISBN: 9781462895397
Pages: 236, Paperback/Kindle
Genre: Fantasy

Author Interview with Lila L. Pinord

 Author Interview with Lila L. Pinord

Title: In Time

Interviewed by: Brandon Nolta, Pacific Book Review
Today we have the pleasure of being with Lila Pinord, author of the new fantasy book titled In Time. Lila, thank you for taking your time to be here today.

LLP: Happy to be here!


PBR: How much did your cultural heritage factor into the creation of In Time?

LLP: My cultural heritage plays a large part in most of my books. Don’t they always say, “Write what you know.”?


PBR: Did you draw on specific stories or symbols while writing the book?

LLP: In a way, yes. If you grew up as I did, your head would be full of stories: myths, superstitions, and legends of my people.


PBR: What are your plans, if any, for Cowboy in future works?

LLP: The reason I left the ending kind of up in the air is so that I may return to it and continue not only Cowboy’s story, but the other players as well. I had in mind something like LOST, the series on television where there were the main characters, but the others also had flashbacks into who they were, where they came from and how they came to be in the gathering of the “travelers”.


PBR: What do you consider to be your main influences and idea sources for your stories?

LLP: As mentioned before, my upbringing in the tiny Native American fishing village. We did have a village storyteller whom I mentioned in a previous book MIN’S MONSTER. The place was full of characters, so I’m not done yet with my story telling!


PBR: What are your plans, if any, for the former inhabitants of Willow River in future works?

LLP: I can’t very well bring them back, can I? They were changed into demons and you know where THEY ended up! The rest of my characters are alive and well, so they have a future yet.


PBR: Are you working on anything now that you can comment on?

LLP: Yes, I am rewriting a book I started and nearly finished many years ago. I’m not sure of the title yet, but the working title is “Hunting Ground”, and of course there is a serial killer and a couple of kids trying to outsmart him!


PBR: This all has been very interesting, and we wish you the best of success with In Time. Thank you again for joining us today.

LLP: Thank you- it’s been fun!